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Weltliche a-cappella Chöre von 1846 (Heft 2)

(E. M. Blankenburg)

Fanny composed the 17 choral movements for mixed choir in 1846, one year before her death, on texts by Lenau, Geibel, Goethe, Uhland, Eichendorff and Hensel. In addition to 6 choral movements already published during her lifetime as “Gartenlieder op. 3”, eleven first publications are presented here.

“For the first time as a complete choral collection, Furore-Verlag published five booklets of secular a cappella songs for mixed choir by the highly gifted composer, who throughout her life stood in the shadow of her famous brother. The very sensitive, intimate, poetic and highly romantic compositions are based on texts by romantic poets such as Lenau, Eichendorff, Uhland, Geibel, as well as by Goethe, who held the sensitive composer in high esteem and sent her a poem written especially for her.”
Swiss Choral Journal 1989

The choruses are also available as individual editions.

Booklet 2: Waldeinsam “Wie hoffnungsgrün ist rings die Welt” 2.30’/ Seid gegrüßt “Seid gegrüßt mit Frühlingswonne” 2.13’/ Morgendämmerung “Wer recht in Freuden wandern will” 2.39′


fue 5110   
ISMN: 979-0-50012-225-8   
Euro 7,00

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